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Financial health

We offer pro tips and tricks so you can correctly assess your financial situation, make it better and cruise toward a more balanced budget.

In the topic

Higher Mortgage Rates: Should You Sell or Keep your Home?

Higher Mortgage Rates: Should You Sell or Keep your Home?

Financial health
Friendflation : quand l’amitié coûte trop cher 1

Friendflation: when friendship becomes too expensive

Financial health
Affected by Financial Problems

Anyone Can be Affected by Financial Problems

Financial health
Are You a Saver or a Spender?

Are You a Saver or a Spender?

Financial health
Small Expenses that Can Have a Big Impact on your Budget 2

Small Expenses that Can Have a Big Impact on your Budget

Financial health
How to Cope with High Mortgage Payments

How to Cope with High Mortgage Payments

Financial health
5 bonnes raisons de faire un fonds d’urgence 2

5 Good Reasons to Build an Emergency Fund

Financial health
10 conseils pour faire face à une récession 4

10 Tips for Dealing with a Recession

Financial health
5 grands conseils pour bien préparer les Fêtes sans trop nuire à son portefeuille 1

5 Tips for Preparing for the Holiday Season Without Breaking the Bank

Financial health
Vos dettes deviennent étouffantes ? Passez à l’action ! 1

Are You Drowning in Debt? Take Action!

Financial health
6 conseils pour gérer les dettes d’un prêt étudiant 1

6 Tips to Manage Student Loan Debt

Financial health
7 trucs pour réduire les effets de la hausse des taux d’intérêt sur vos finances 1

7 Tips to Reduce Rising Interest Rates' Impact on Your Finances

Financial health
6 signes que vos dettes ont un impact sur votre santé mentale 1

6 Signs That Your Debts Are Affecting Your Mental Health

Financial health
10 astuces pour économiser à l’épicerie

10 Tips to Save on Groceries

Financial health
Mon budget ne balance pas, je coupe où ?

My Budget Doesn't Balance: Where Do I Cut? 

Financial health
8 Good Financial Practices for the Self-Employed 2

8 Good Financial Practices for the Self-Employed

Financial health
Comment rembourser ses dettes rapidement  1

How to Repay Your Debts Faster  

Financial health
Rentrée d’argent imprévue : payer ses dettes ou épargner? 1

Unexpected Extra Income: Should You Pay Off Your Debts or Save?

Financial health
10 bonnes raisons de faire vos impôts 2

10 Good Reasons to Do Your Taxes

Financial health
Rembourser ses dettes avec des REER, ça vaut le coup ? 10

Withdrawing RRSPs to pay off debt: A bad idea!

Financial health
6 conseils pour se préparer financièrement à une éventuelle récession 1

Six Tips to Be Financially Prepared in Case of a Recession

Financial health
Comment savoir si vous dépensez trop ? Six signes qui ne trompent pas. 2

Are you over-spending? Six signs you need to know.

Financial health
Hypothéquer sa maison pour consolider ses dettes : une solution à éviter 2

Mortgaging your home to consolidate your debts: Something to be avoided

Financial health
C’est le temps de faire le ménage… dans vos dépenses! 1

Time for Spring Cleaning… For Your Expenses!

Financial health
Les impacts de la PCRE sur vos impôts 1

The impact of ECP on your taxes

Financial health
Que faire si vous avez des dettes d’impôts? 1

Tax Debt? Here’s what to do.

Financial health
Relâche scolaire : comment en profiter sans faire un trou dans son budget? 1

Spring Break: how can we make the most of it without draining our budget?

Financial health
Tenir tête à la déprime financière 2

Fending off financial depression

Financial health
Dealing With the Increase in the Cost of Living

Dealing with the increase in the cost of living

Financial health
Une excellente résolution pour 2022: prendre ses dettes en mains 1

An excellent resolution for 2023 : take control of your debts

Financial health
Conseils pour le Vendredi fou et le Cyber lundi 1

Tips for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Financial health
Déconfiner sans se ruiner 1

Easing the restrictions on finances

Financial health
Les 7 émotions du surendettement 3

The 7 emotions of overindebtedness

Financial health
Déménager sans vous ruiner la santé physique et financière 1

Moving without putting your health or finances at risk

Financial health
Beau temps pour s’endetter 5

Spring fever can lead to debt

Financial health
Comment faire un budget simplement 5

How to Make a Simple Budget

Financial health
Chronique de Pierre-Yves McSween sur la faillite 1

Rising insolvency: Budgeting is more important than ever during the holiday season

Financial health
njoy the holidays without breaking the bank

Enjoy the holidays without breaking the bank

Financial health
What is the debt ratio?

What is the debt ratio?

Financial health
Five Tips for a Move That Won’t Break the Bank

Five Tips for a Move That Won’t Break the Bank

Financial health
Say goodbye to financial insomnia

Say goodbye to financial insomnia

Financial health
Je suis toujours endetté. Comment m’en sortir ? 1

I’m always in debt. How do I turn things around?

Financial health
Brouillon auto 3

How do I know if I have too much debt?

Financial health
Être endetté, ce n’est pas temporaire… à moins de passer à l’action

Being in debt isn’t a temporary situation... Unless you take action

Financial health