Get a good understanding of your situation to find the best solution
Other tools to help you
Are you looking for specific information? We have the tool you need.
Debt ratio
Do you know if your debt is too high compared to your income?
Online budget
A budget is an excellent tool to get an overview of your personal finances. Fill in the information below to get a snapshot of your monthly finances.
The cost of your credit cards
Do you know how long you’ll need to pay back your credit cards?
Quick diagnosis
Answer a few questions to get an overview of your financial situation.
The cost of debt consolidation
Find out if it would help to apply for a loan to pay back all your debt.
41% of Quebecers say they’re worried about their finances.*
Our counsellors are here to help you find the best solution and work through all the steps involved in paying back your debt.
* CROP/Raymond Chabot survey, Les Québécois et les finances personnelles (Personal Finances in Québec), 2015
Meet with one of our counsellors for free
Don’t ignore a debt problem that’s ruining your life. Let’s work together to help you regain control of your finances.