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Fanny Labrecque

After completing studies in office technology and working as an administrative assistant, Fanny Labrecque entered the insolvency sector in 2014. She started out as a receptionist in a licensed insolvency trustee firm and, thanks to her determination, rose through the ranks to become an insolvency counsellor.

Fanny worked in this field for seven years. Then, in 2021, she felt the need to explore other avenues and turned to recruitment. However, a leopard cannot change its spots, so Fanny returned to the insolvency sector and joined the Raymond Chabot team in 2024.

Her favorite quotation is “One word of encouragement can be enough to spark someone’s motivation to continue with a difficult challenge” from Roy T. Bennett.

Fanny is people-oriented, compassionate and attentive and she enjoys helping others. Since she experienced financial worries when she was younger, she can easily empathize with the people she meets. Her objective is to help them regain their financial peace of mind and equip them so they can get out of debt for once and for all. Furthermore, in addition to presenting her clients with all the available solutions, she makes sure to explain how to improve their budget management and the debt consolidation process.

She feels strongly about the fight against cancer and has participated in the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life several times and plans to continue doing so.

Fanny loves nature and animals. She lives in the countryside with her partner and their children and two dogs. She is also creative and enjoys painting in her spare time.


“Fanny is a welcoming, dedicated, and understanding person. She has a beautiful emotional intelligence.”