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Julie Lagacé

Julie joined Raymond Chabot’s team of financial recovery counsellors in 2022. She was first drawn to the field in 2013, when she began preparing bankruptcy cases for clients as a trustee’s assistant. In fact, she actually discovered a true passion for the profession.

“Let’s face the obstacles head on, deal with them and get some peace of mind!”

Today, as a financial recovery counsellor, she wants to help people struggling with financial difficulties reduce their worries by offering effective solutions. Her approach? Listening and empathy. Julie also has a very positive outlook on life. She is not easily discouraged, and is determined to overcome each challenge and emerge stronger. This “don’t give up and keep going attitude” is what she tries to pass on to her clients.

Outside office hours, Julie loves spending time with her son. She finds her role as a mother very fulfilling. She also loves to immerse herself in a good novel to escape.


“We were welcomed and never felt we were being judged. We were so relieved to be treated like people and our counsellor, Ms. Lagacé, was there to help us!”