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Marie-Isabelle Rousseau

Marie-Isabelle Rousseau studied office automation and fashion marketing. She began her career at Raymond Chabot as an administrative assistant in 2001. She discovered her passion while working on case files for individuals. Taking the training to become a counsellor in financial recovery was the logical continuation in her career. She has held this position since 2004.

“When you have a tooth ache, you go to the dentist; when you’re experiencing financial problems, you go see a trustee!”

Marie-Isabelle believes there is no shame in asking for help when you are facing difficulties. She is very dedicated to her clients and would give them the moon and the stars if she could.


“I received good service from Ms. Rousseau. Declaring bankruptcy is not an easy decision, but I received good advice and support from her. I can breathe more easily and have control of my life. Thank you.”